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What day are Broadway matinees on?
Most Broadway shows have Saturdaymatinees, and Sundaysare also very popular matinee days; some shows have just a mid-afternoon performance on Sunday rather than one in the evening.Weekend matinees are popular because they are perfect for families and people visiting NYC for a long weekend, so we advise booking in advance.
Matinee movie ticket meaning
Midweek matinees are most common on Wednesdays, although many shows have matinees on Tuesdays, Thursdaysand Fridaysat certain times of the year.
These are often added during holidays such as Thanksgiving and summer break, so you will have more choices if you want to take kids to the theater.
Weekdays can also be cheaper than weekends, and it is worth comparing prices when you book.
See all Broadway matinees by day of week:
Matiness by Show Genre
Find a matinee by show genre (Matinee musicals, Matinee plays, Kids matinees) or discounted matinees on cheap Broadway tickets.What time do Broadway matinees start?
Matinee start times are usually between 1pm- what time is matinee over at regal
- what time matinee ends